5 days

Well now there are only five days left to Christmas. Last weekend was quite buisy. the childerenschoir sang in the church and I was also both playing and singing myself. On friday there is going to be a concert at the seminari where my seminarychoir is singing and then on Christmaseve the childerenschoir again, will lead the whole service in the chappel at the Norwegian school.  like all this Christmas stuff but it will also be nice to have vacation. I starting to get tired and after the new year I´m not going to be working very much outside the home.

It´s always a littlebit strange to celebrate Christmas in this sunny and hot weather but it´s not bothering me at all. Of course we try to keep our traditions from home, we sing Icelandic Christmassongs and hymns and we make christmascoockies, gigngerbread and so on. I made this most fabulous gingerbreadhouse on friday, but for some reason it became very soft en fell down yesterday. The childeren were actually quite happy about that because then they can eat it right away!

now we´ve got a little rabbit in the house. The childeren are really loving it, exept Dagbjartur Elí who is still allittle afraid of it. She is so cute, well we still don´t know if it´s a boy or a girl but we know that she only got three legs! She´s doing fine though and Margrét Helga and Jóel are carrying her aroun all the day long. For the time being she is sleeping in a cage inside but I guess when she´s big enough she can stay outside together with the othar rabbit. There is a big rabbitcage in our yard and when we moved in there was this one rabbit from former inhabitants of this house. Yesterday the neighbours gardener also found a tortouse and gave it to the childeren. We used to have two of those but they escaped!

I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas an blessings for the coming new year!

At last...!

Just so you know- we are still alive! Now I´ve promised myself for next year to be better at writing on this page. Maby you´ve all given up, but we´ll see!

Now advent is getting closer to Christmas everyday. We are of course prepearing Christmas by making coockies and gingerbread and different kind og christmasy things. Last saturday there was a consert at the Norwegian school where Margrét Helga and Jóel were singing in the childerenschoir. The school childeren had the biggest part of the program with both singing and playing instruments. After the consert I went with the school childeren to the Sweedish embasy where they sang thyer St. Lucia songs, which also had been a part of the concert. In Sweeden it is a long tradition of selebrating st. Lucia´s day and since we work together with the Swedish school that is a part of our program. As I undersand it is also getting bigger both in Norway an Denmark but in Iceland it is not very common unless for those who have been living in Sweeden.

The coming sunday the childerenschoir will also sing in the International Lutheran church and then they are doing the whole Christmas eve sevice at the Norwegian school so they have a lot of work to do, learning songs. The 22. there will be a concert at the Seminari where my choir there is going to sing. So you see we are not getting bored here.

I have not mentioned it here that we are expecting our child numer four in march! I´ve been feeling very good uptill now but I feel that I get tired more easily. But we are all looking forward to se our new familymember and we are planing on giving birth here in Ethiopia in stead of going home. We haven´t decided comleatly yet but that is the plan. We would preciate if you prayd for that with us. After the new year I´m not going to work as much as before and after the babies birth I have decided not to work for the next one and a half year at least. In the future I might have to teach Margrét Helga and Jóel icelandic so I want to have space for that, and now with three small childeren at home and one starting school I think I will have enough to do!

Well, I think this will be it for now, hope I will write soon again

God bless you the advent an the coming holiday

Ps. there are some new photos in our album - just press "myndir" or http://gallery.askur.org/fyrogflamme




Dear friends

On this page I am going to try to write every now and thend for those who can not read the other page.

We are liking it here in Addis. Me and Kristján have both started work. Kristján is working full time at the Mekane Yesus Management and leadership college and I teach one day a week at the Norwegian school an one day at the seminary. I´m also cunducting a childerenschoir connected to the Norwegian school and doing some musicwork in our church. Margrét Helga and Jóel go to kondergarten at the Norwegian school one aday a week and one day we have schoolday here at home. I am trying to teach them to read in Icelandic. They are very motivated and already they have started to connect some letters into words. Dagbjartur Elí is getting a big boy. He´s started to talk alot both in icelandic and amharic and som english and norwegian aswell!

This first writing is more of a test... I will try to write something at least once a month.

God bless you all and please leave a message in the guestbook

Um bloggiđ

Our life in Ethiopia

Here you can read about Helga, Kristján and theyr three childeren who are missionaries in Addis Abeba, Ethiopa. This hompage is for their friends in different parts of the world who don´t read Icelandic and all others who wants to follow their everyday life and pray for them.


Helga Vilborg Sigurjónsdóttir
Helga Vilborg Sigurjónsdóttir
Hér getur þú lesið um líf of störf Helgu Vilborgar og Kristjáns sem eru kristniboðar í Woitodalnum í Suð-vestur Eþíópíu ásamt börnum sínum, Margréti Helgu,Jóel, Dagbjarti Elí og Davíð Ómari
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